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Bounce Gymnastics
Payment Information


Returning Members

Payments are due before the child's first class each term. You can pay this in as many installments as you like prior to the start date as long as the fees are paid in full by the start of the term.


Payment Methods

Bank Transfer

Account name: Bounce Gymnastics

BSB: 062-339

Account Number: 1095-1873

Please ensure you put your child's first and last name as the reference.

If you have more than one child you can just put one of the children's first and last name as they will be on the same account. If you do not identify who the payment is for it can be very difficult to correct apply the payment to your account.


Cash at the gym


Card payments

These can be done at the gym or over the phone Every card transaction will incur a 2% processing fee on all payments​


For more information

Contact Details


Phone: 0401454092

Trial Class Information

All children taking part in any class at Bounce Gymnastics must be on our system and therefore enrolled into a class before going onto the floor even for a trial.

When initially signed up to a class a $25 fee must be paid upon arrival as a casual class fee


If you decide to continue the remainder of the fees will be due by the second class with the casual fee contributing to these fees

If you choose not to continue we ask that you let us know so that we can remove any further fees from the account


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