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Bounce Gymnastics
Changeroom and Toilet Policy


This document outlines the Bounce Gymnastics Policy in relation to the use of changerooms and toilets at Bounce Gymnastics facilities.



As part of the Bounce Gymnastics ongoing commitment to child safety, we endeavour to ensure all children remain appropriately supervised in a safe environment for the duration of their time at Bounce Gymnastics. The Bounce Gymnastics Changeroom and Toilet Policy is a guiding document intended to ensure all participants and patrons have safe, inclusive and equitable access to the club.




Bathroom Use During Class

If the gymnast needs to use the bathroom, They must use the bathroom at the office. They must notify their coach before leaving the group.


*Please note, in cases where a Bounce Gymnastics coach or staff member accompanies a gymnast under 8 years to the toiler (with another same gender gymnast (if known)), they will remain in a line of sight of the toilet entrance.



For the privacy of everyone, the use of audio or visual recording devices, including mobile phone camera’s, is strictly PROHIBITED in changing areas, bathrooms or toilets.



Breaches of this policy include but are not limited to:

  • Photography or visual recording of any kind.

  • Posting of photos and videos on social media platforms which clearly show gymnasts in Bounce Gymnastics changing areas, bathrooms or toilets.

  • Gymnasts under the age of 8 years using the toilets during designated class times without following the outlined policy/procedures.


Breach of Policy Reporting Process

For any breaches or complaints related to this policy, please contact the appropriate Bounce Gymnastics employee as outlined in the Questions and Concerns Procedure.


Bounce Gymnastics will follow the complaints procedure as per the Gymnastics Australia (GA) Member Protection Policy.


The below outlined process is applicable to Bounce Gymnastics staff, volunteers, gymnasts and relations in regard to breach of policy.


Offence Disciplinary Process

Unsatisfactory conduct 

1st Occasion -> Formal verbal warning

2nd Occasion -> Written warning

3rd Occasion -> Final written warning

4th Occasion -> Termination



1st Occasion-> Final written warning

2nd Occasion -> Termination


Serious misconduct

1st Occasion -> Termination


Unsatisfactory conduct is defined as where the conduct involves a substantial or consistent failure to reach or maintain a reasonable standard of competence and diligence.


Misconduct is defined as a substantial or intentional disregard of the employer’s interests.


Serious misconduct is defined as wilful or deliberate behaviour by an employee, participant or participant family member that is inconsistent with the continuation of the contract of employment, Bounce Gymnastics Code of Conduct and causes serious and imminent risk to:

  • The health or safety of a person; or

  • The reputation, viability or profitability of Bounce Gymnastics or the gymnastics community.


If a disciplinary penalty is imposed, it will be in line with the procedure outlined above, which may encompass a formal verbal warning, written warning, final written warning, or termination, and full details will be provided.


There may be occasions where the conduct of the individual/s is serious enough to by-pass one (or more) of the above steps and move immediately to a first and final written warning or termination.


Bounce Gymnastics retains the right to take into account the severity of a misconduct and use their discretion accordingly in relation to disciplinary proceedings.


Policy Promotion


This policy is available to all Bounce Gymnastics staff, volunteers, gymnasts and relations, and the broader gymnastics community, via the Bounce Gymnastics website.


This policy will be communicated to all Bounce Gymnastics staff, volunteers and gymnasts by the Bounce Gymnastics Child Wellbeing Manager, or in their absence the Club Owner, at the beginning of each calendar year.

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