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Bounce Gymnastics
Baby Sensory Class Policies

Class Terms and Conditions


  • All equipment is thoroughly cleaned before and after each class. 

  • It is preferable to not bring siblings along. We do understand that this is not always practical. As long as they do not interfere with the class for other children and parents/carers they are welcome to come with you, when needed. As they are not insured they are to stay with you at all times and not go on any equipment around the building. They must not participate in the class activities and must be closely supervised by you at all times. We ask that young children be seated in strollers/prams and older children to sit to the side to observe.

  • Baby Sensory  classes are fun and chalenging for all children in a class and so you will need to be focussed on your child so that you can assist your child in remembering complicated sequences and focussing on the task at hand.

  • We do ask that parents try and do their catching up before or after the class so that the children and tracher can focus on their activities.

  • Remember, everyone will have more fun if you are more engaged and enthusiastic during the class. Very young children can only focus for a short amount of time, so they need you to repeat instructions to them and to concentrate for them.

  • Please ensure you do not bring any food items to class as children and parents/carers can have allergies ranging from mild to quite severe. It is important to us to keep all participants as safe as possible. Water for yourself are safe to use during the class. If you or your child has eaten peanut butter or any other nut products prior to their class, please wash all hands thoroughly before class. Peanut butter can have life threatening results for others around you, so please be extra vigilant. Traces of these foods can be easily transferred from yours and you child's fingers or clothes to our equipment and whilst we clean everything between sessions we ask you are careful so we can reduce the risk even further.

  • Bounce Gymnastics may, at its own discretion, refuse entry to a client to its classes if it is felt that the clients behaviour is unreasonable. From time to time we have update these terms. They will show as a new policy to agree to within the parent portal. 

  • Missed classes will be shown within your parent portal. Within your parent portal you can schedule a make up class  within 2 months of the missed class. They can be done in any other day or time within this period within the same grade (category 3) such as 0-7 months, 7-13 months, etc.

  • We do ask that you go into your parent portal and submit an absence in advance so that other families might be able to do make up classes within that session if you are going to be away.


Absences and Make up classes​

  • Missed classes will be shown within your parent portal. Within your parent portal you can schedule a make up class  within 2 months of the missed class. They can be done in any other day or time within this period within the same grade (category 3) such as 0-7 months, 7-13 months, etc.

  • We do ask that you go into your parent portal and submit an absence in advance so that other families might be able to do make up classes within that session if you are going to be away.

  • There is no limit on the number of absences, though there is a 2 month expiry as noted above.

  • Missed class will only be redeemable for make up classes. They will not be refundable or transferrable. 

Our Contract with you​

  • All intellectual property rights belong to us. All intellectual property right in our classes or any other services, including any materials provided to you in our provision of the same belongs to us. Unless otherwise permitted by these terms, you must not permit any other person to use or benefit from any materials or information provided to you.

  • Parents are welcome to take photos and videos of their child throughout our classes, and share these on social media or with friends and family. However, you must only take photos of your child and other children that you have the parents permission to take photos of.

Our Services​

  • Services may differ slightly from their description on the website. The descriptions of the services on our website are for indicative purposes only. 

  • You confirm that you and your child are able to take part in our classes. By placing an order or attending a class, you agree that both of you and any child under your care or supervision are able to take part in our classes or any other services which you order from us, and that it would not be harmful to either you or your child's health, safety, comfort or physical condition to do so. Please note, we are not liable for any loss, injury or damage suffered either you do not tell us about a medical condition, or you or the child do an activity which you are aware (or should have been aware) would, or might be, detrimental to you or your child.

  • You and your child use our services at your own risk. You and any child for which you are responsible use our Services and attend our Classes at your own risk and you are responsible for supervising any child in your care at all times (including during Classes). As long as we have provided the services with reasonable skill and care, we will not be liable to you for any loss, damage or injury suffered by you or your child for whom you are responsible as a consequence of you not following our instructions during the provision of our classes or services.


  • You shall not allow your child to attend a class if they are ill. You must not bring you child to a class in the following circumstances

    • They have had a fever or a cough within the 7 days prior to the class​

    • They have had an upset stomach or diarrhea in the 48 hours prior to the class

    • They have heavy nasal discharge

    • They have discharging eyes; or

    • They have symptoms of a possible communicable disease, including but not limited to, Covid-19, measles, chicken pox, German measles, whooping cough, impetigo, scarlet fever, hand foot and mouth disease or norovirus


  • You must comply with our policies and procedures. You must comply with, and ensure that your child complies with, any policies and procedures which we communicate to you from time to time in relation to the services. This may include (but shall not be limited to) policies in relation to health and safety.

Providing the Services​

  • Services may vary from time to time. Our services (including timetable for, and the content of, our Classes) will be as set out on our website. Please note that the provision of our services may be subject to change from term to term.

  • Classes are provided as a term.

  • When you sign up to the term classes will be prorated depending on your start date. One enrolled, you are enrolled and therefore pay for the classes until the end of the term.

  • We are not responsible for delays outside our control. If our supply of services is delayed by an event outside of our control, then we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and we will take steps to minimize the effect of the delay. These steps may include offering rescheduled dates for the classes, or offering credit for the value of missed classes. 

  • If you miss a class, we offer make up sessions to be done within 2 months of the missed session. Missed classes are not instead of for future terms they are to be done when enrolled into a current class as well.

  • What will happen if you do not give required information to us. We may need certain information from you so that we can supply the services to you, for example, the names of any children attending our classes, existing medical conditions, and any immunizations given to your child. We will not be responsible for supplying services late or not supplying any part of them if this is caused by you not giving us the information we need within a reasonable time of us asking for it.

  • Your rights if we suspend the supply of the services. We will contact you in advance to tell you we will be suspending supply of the services for any substantial period of time, we will take the steps which may include offering rescheduled classes





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