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Bounce Gymnastics
Anti-Bullying Policy

1.   Rationale and Purpose

This policy is aimed at the prevention of bullying and violence at Bounce Gymnastics and is applied to members.


Bullying is defined as repeated unreasonable behaviour directed towards person or persons that creates a risk to health and safety. Violence is defined as any incident where a person(s) is physically attacked or threatened including any statement of behaviour that causes them to believe they are in danger of being physically attacked or threatened.


2.   Policy Description

Bullying creates an unsafe training environment. Bounce Gymnastics aims to ensure, so far as reasonable practicable, that risks to health and safety from bullying are eliminated or reduced.

Bounce Gymnastics encourages all employees and members to report any cases of bullying and violence. All reports will be taken seriously and Bounce Gymnastics will ensure confidentiality and fair treatment for all involved.


3.   Application of Policy

This policy applies to all members of Bounce Gymnastics; employees, officers, administrators, volunteers, coaches, judges, athletes and officials.


4.   Definition of Bullying Behaviour

The following types of behaviour, if repeated, could be considered bullying;

  • Verbal abuse

  • Excluding or isolating particular athletes

  • Harassment or intimidation

  • Assigning tasks that are impossible for the athlete/member to successfully complete


5.   Definition of Violent Behaviour

The term ‘violence’ applies to all forms of physical attack on athletes including;

  • Striking, kicking, scratching, biting, spitting or any type of direct physical contact

  • Pushing, shoving, tripping, grabbing

  • Throwing objects

  • Attacking any type of weapon

  • Any form of indecent physical attack


6.   In the case of an incident

Bounce Gymnastics will;

  • Treat all reported matters seriously

  • Respond promptly to the report

  • Ensure that the person who has raised the problem is not victimized

  • Provide support for all involved

  • Communicate the process to those involved

  • Maintain neutrality – the person responsible for investigating the circumstances must be impartial

  • Ensure confidentiality

  • Document meetings, interviews and agreed outcomes

  • Address the underlying risk factors responding to serious incidents


7.   Following an incident involving violence

Bounce Gymnastics will;

  • Ensure the potential for violence no longer exists

  • Provide first aid and medical treatment if required

  • Warn/exclude perpetrators where appropriate

  • Contact the family of those affected

  • Arrange an incident debriefing

  • Record the details in the injury register


8.   Following a ‘serious’ incident involving violence

Bounce Gymnastics will;

  • Ensure the potential for violence no longer exists

  • Provide first aid and medical treatment (if required)

  • Call the police and if necessary the ambulance service

  • Leave the scene undisturbed for the police

  • Ask witnesses to remain until the police arrive, or if this is not possible, write down their names and contact numbers

  • Warn/exclude perpetrators where appropriate

  • Contact the family of those affected

  • Relieve affected employees of their duties

  • Arrange an incident debriefing

  • Record the details in the injury register


9.   Following a threat

If a threat is made, either in person or over the phone the following is to occur: The appropriate person will;

  • Write a report on the incident detailing the time, who was involved, the nature of the threats, reason behind the threat (if known) and possible triggers for the threats

  • Interview everyone involved if possible

  • Consult the Club manager as to whether the police should be involved

  • Warn/Exclude the person who made the threat

  • If the offender is a staff member, implement the process for dealing with workplace dispute resolution and refer them to counselling if appropriate

  • If the offender is an athlete, implement the disciplinary action procedure

  • Arrange debriefing and counselling




  • Be kind

  • Be respectful

  • Be inclusive

  • Be a leader

  • Follow the rules

  • Keep our hands and feet to ourselves



  • Hit

  • Kick

  • Push

  • Fight

  • Swear

  • Touch anyone



This is a no fighting zone


Rules breakers will be asked to leave

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